Commercial & Industrial Fencing & Guardrail | Serving Chicagoland & Illinois

Agricultural fence: A type of fencing designed to contain livestock or keep wildlife out of agricultural areas.
Barbed wire: A type of fencing made from twisted strands of wire with sharp barbs, used primarily for livestock or high-security applications.
Bollard: A vertical post or barrier used to protect a building or property from vehicular traffic.
Cable barrier: A type of guardrail made of steel cables, often used on highways and medians.
Chain link: A type of fencing made from woven steel wire that creates a diamond pattern.
Chain link fabric: The steel wire mesh used to create a chain link fence.
Chain link gate: A gate made from chain link mesh, often used in commercial or industrial settings.
Corner post: A post used to create a change in the fence line direction, such as at a corner.
Crash cushion: A device used to absorb the impact of a vehicle and protect the driver or passengers from injury.
Deer fence: A fence designed to keep deer out of a specific area, typically using tall mesh or netting.
Dog run: A fenced area where dogs can run and play without the need for constant supervision.
End post: A post used to terminate a fence line, such as at the end of a property line.
End terminal: A device used to protect the end of a guardrail and redirect impacting vehicles away from the hazard.
Farm fence: A type of fence designed for agricultural use, typically made from wood, vinyl, or wire mesh.
Gabion fence: A fence made from wire mesh baskets filled with rocks or other materials, often used for erosion control or aesthetic purposes.
Gate: A fence opening that provides access for people, vehicles, or equipment.
Guardrail end treatment: A device used to protect the end of a guardrail and prevent impacting vehicles from penetrating the barrier.
Guardrail height: The height of the guardrail above the roadway surface, typically specified by safety standards and regulations.
Guardrail post: A vertical support structure that holds the guardrail in place, typically made of steel or wood.
Guardrail reflector: A reflective device attached to the guardrail to increase visibility and improve safety at night.
Guardrail transition: A section of guardrail used to transition from one barrier type or height to another.
Horse fence: A fence designed to contain horses safely and securely, typically made from wood, vinyl, or wire mesh.
Lattice fence: A fence made from crisscrossed slats of wood or vinyl, often used for decorative purposes.
Line post: A post used to support the fence between corner and end posts.
Median barrier: A type of guardrail used in the center median of highways to prevent cross-median accidents.
Ornamental fence: A decorative fence made from materials such as wrought iron or aluminum, often used in residential settings.
Panel: A pre-built fence section that can be easily installed between posts or attached to rails.
Pedestrian gate: A gate designed for foot traffic, typically smaller and lighter than vehicle gates.
Picket: Vertical element of a fence that is attached to the rails and provides the primary decorative and security function.
Pool fence: A fence designed to meet safety requirements and keep children or pets from entering a pool area unsupervised.
Post: Vertical support structure that is embedded in the ground to support the fence.
Post and rail: A fence design consisting of horizontal rails attached to vertical posts, often used in rural or farm settings.
Post cap: A decorative accessory that is placed on top of fence posts to protect them from water damage and add a finished look to the fence.
Privacy fence: A fence designed to provide privacy by blocking the view from outside.
Rail: Horizontal member that runs between posts and supports fence panels or pickets.
Retaining wall: A wall made of concrete or other materials used to retain soil or other materials in a sloped area.
Rub rail: A section of guardrail used to protect the side of a vehicle or equipment from impact with the barrier.
Slat fence: A fence made from vertical slats that can be adjusted to provide varying degrees of privacy.
Slope break: A transition section of guardrail used to connect to a change in the slope of the roadway.
Snow fence: A fence designed to trap and hold snow in specific areas, reducing the risk of snow drifts or accumulation.
Sound barrier: A fence or wall designed to reduce noise levels, often used in residential or industrial areas near highways or airports.
Split rail: A rustic fence made from split wooden rails, typically used in rural or agricultural settings.
Strong post system: a roadside barrier that uses sturdy, impact-resistant posts, commonly made of steel or composites, to ensure the guardrail remains in place and effectively redirects vehicles during collisions on highways and high-speed roads.
Steel fence: A fence made from steel, often used for high security or industrial applications.
Temporary barricade: A barrier used to block off areas temporarily, often used for crowd control or traffic management.
Temporary fence: A fence designed to be easily installed and removed, often used for construction sites, events, or other temporary applications.
Terminal post: A post that serves as an anchor for a gate, end, or corner post.
Thrie-beam guardrail: A type of guardrail made of a steel beam with a W shape and additional smaller beams, used for increased safety and durability.
W-beam guardrail: A type of guardrail made of a steel beam with a W shape, often used on highways and roads.
Weak post system: A type of guardrail system that is designed to break away upon impact to reduce the severity of the crash